Vehicle-Line Follower Part 2

Vehicle-Line Follower -Part 2

In this project we had to create a vehicle that would be able to follow a path line of any color of our choosing (Black, Red, Yellow, Green) but using a pie camera contrary to part 1 where we used a color sensor. This was accomplished through an intricate and very cool design for the vehicle inspired by racing cars powered by two stepper motors, two H-bridges, one pie camera and a raspberry pie. The camera was attached to the front of the vehicle facing down so that it can capture the path of the colored line. In our case it was blue.  In order to allow better lightning for the camera we 3d printed larger wheels for the back of the vehicle and designed and added a ball bearing to the front for balance and support. We were able to make the motors step using a threading library and by calculating the percentage of the color that the camera was capturing but we ran into so many issues. For example, the delay between each step was quite long and we were getting a lot more vibrations than steps and also when it the motors did run, they moved in opposite direction. I personally learned a ton though.